Best Race For Skyrim

There’s a lot more to the Skyrim character creation builder than meets the eye, which is why it’s important to break down what character creation actually constitutes. It’s easy to choose a character type in the based on aesthetic alone - maybe you think the reptilian Argonians are the most interesting, or perhaps the feline Khajiit will pique your curiosity.

However, there’s a lot more to it than this, which is why you need to know what exactly you’re getting into when you create your first Skyrim character. Understand the hidden stats with each raceFirst of all, every race has its own unique range of stats. Wood Elves start off with a natural propensity for ranged combat, so their base Archery stat is higher than that of a Nord’s. However, Dark Elves are more attuned to the art of Destruction magic, which is why that’s one of their inherently boosted stats.This doesn’t matter much in the long run, as you can always just choose to level up something else - just because Destruction is initially boosted doesn’t mean you need to refrain from using swords and shields. However, it does make a difference early on.

If you’ve got that initial boost, you should try to use it. There’s no point avoiding Destruction in to start with if you’re a High Elf, as your gravitation toward it will result in a far easier task at the beginning of the game.

Best Race For Skyrim

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Place any of the following tags in the title of your post to highlight it. Question, Spoiler, Lore and Mod -.Official Links:.Stickies:.Alternative Themes:.Related Communities:. This is a list that I created a while back. I never adjusted it according to the feedback I received.

I decided to revitalize this list and post it on this subreddit for all those vanilla Skyrim players out there. But anyway, without further ado, here's the list:10. Wood Elf:. 100% Poison Resistance: As previously pointed out with the Redguard, poison isn’t that prevalent or life threatening, which makes the resistance to it not very useful.

100% Disease Resistance: This racial effect is borderline useless. Diseases simply make skills more difficult to use by minimizing its succession rate.

Any disease can easily be cured with a simple Cure Disease potion or by simply activating a shrine. Command Animal: This racial power allows you to give yourself a temporary animal companion for 60 seconds and can be used only once a day. With this power, you can actually make mammoths your companion. Unfortunately, this racial power becomes completely obsolete once the Animal Allegiance shout is obtained, since it can be used every minute once all three words of power are obtained.

SetScale Disadvantage: Because the Wood Elf is the smallest by scale, their jump height, speed, and even damage is lower than the other races. This is a hidden stat that most people don't know about. You can always increase your characters scale by using the SetScale command. To fix this and align your character with most other races (the High Elf being the tallest at 1.08), I would adjust your Wood Elf's SetScale to 1.00 to 1.05.9. Redguard:. 50% Poison resistance: This racial effect is pretty useless as only Frostbite Spiders, Chaurus’, some Falmer weapons, poison dart traps, Poison Blooms, Poison Spiders, and Miraak actually use poison. You would think poison is used more often but this isn't actually the case.

In truth, poisons used by enemies are mostly exclusive in specific areas in Skyrim or Solstheim. Adrenaline Rush: This racial power allows you to regenerate your stamina 10 times faster for 60 seconds and can be used only once a day (every 24 in game hours). This racial power may seem useful at first glance, but you'll soon realize how obsolete it becomes at higher levels compared to the other racial powers/abilities on this list.8. Argonian:. Breath Underwater: There’s only one place in all of Skyrim that I’ve ever needed this racial effect, and that place is Pilgrim’s Trench. It is honestly so deep that I died before I could make it up to the surface.

Not only is this racial effect borderline useless since you’ll never really need it, but there is actually a potion, spell and an enchantment for water breathing. 'Nuff said. 50% Disease Resistance: Again, pretty much useless as I previously pointed out. Beast Race Unarmed Damage: This racial effect gives the Argonian an additional 6 unarmed damage. No one really uses the Argonian for an unarmed build though since they will use PUNCHCAT. Don’t consider this a reason to pick the Argonian. Histskin: This racial power will regenerate your health by 10 times for 60 seconds and can be used only once a day.

While this racial power can definitely come in handy, spells and potions are far better options, especially potions, since they immediately restore health.7. Khajiit:. Claws: This racial effect gives your unarmed attacks an additional 12 damage. The Khajiit race the best for unarmed builds because it’s not called PUNCHCAT for no reason! The Khajiit is also a beast race, and with the Claws racial effect, the base damage of your fists is 22! This is literally better than the base damage for almost every weapon in the game, with the exception of higher level double-handed weapons.

Night Eye: This racial power saturates the world around you to see better in the dark. Because Night Eye is a lesser power, it can be toggled on and off an unlimited amount of times.6. Imperial:. Imperial Luck: This racial effect gives you 100% chance to find up to 10 more Septims in chests, pots, and the like.

This racial effect can become stacked with the lockpicking perks Golden Touch and Treasure Hunter for even more finds. If you have the Prowler’s Profit ability, it stacks even further. Voice of the Emperor: This racial power calms enemies for 60 seconds and can be used only once a day. It can be useful to get you out of tricky situations, especially if you are caught stealing something.5. Dark Elf:. 50% Fire Resistance: This useful racial effect allows you take half damage from all fire sources, which include dragon shouts, spells, fire runes, or fire traps.

It is also especially useful for Vampires since they are more vulnerable to fire, which is the main reason many players consider the Dark Elf as the best race for Vampires. Ancestral Wrath: This racial power is identical to Flame Cloak in terms of damage, which is 8 damage per second. The Flame Cloak spell is a better option though as not only can you cast it an unlimited amount of times, but if you dual cast it, it will double the range of the cloak.4. Nord:. 50% Frost Resistance: Like the Fire Resistance, you take half damage from all ice magic sources. While fire magic is more common in Skyrim, frost magic specifically hinders warriors at it saps stamina and your walking/running speed. Battlecry: This racial power that is similar to the Fear spell.

It causes enemies (except undead, Daedra, and automations) to flee in terror. It last for 60 seconds and can only be used once a day. This ability has a myriad of uses from escaping to getting easy kills.3. Altmer/High Elf:. +50 Magicka: This racial effect alone makes the High Elf the optimal race for pure mage builds. You basically start with 5 levels of extra magicka over the other races.

Highborn: This racial power allows you to regenerate magicka 25 times faster in combat for 60 seconds and can be only used once a day. Highborn has a higher regeneration rate than Adrenaline Rush and Histskin making it is extremely useful against Shock mages who sap your magicka.2.

Orc:. Bezerker Rage: This racial power allows you to deal double damage and be dealt half damage for 60 seconds. It can be only used once a day. This racial power is rather over powered and is considered the best in the game. If you play as a werewolf you can actually use this ability before you transform to double your damage output. Bezerker Rage makes boss fights much easier as well since you only take half damage.

Orc Strongholds: Since you’re an Orc, you are automatically allowed entry without having to become a bloodkin. Orcs are the only race who have this privilege. Orc strongholds have valuable loot and alchemists who can sell you the infamous Daedra Heart.

In Narzulbur, there fixed location of Ebony Boots sitting next to a hut. Narzulbur also has Gloombound Mine.

Which possesses the largest amount of Ebony Ore that can be mined in all of Skyrim. There are sixteen Ebony Ore veins, six Iron Ore veins, and five loose Ebony Ores.

Skyrim Best Race For Mage

If you plan on mining in Gloombound Mine, a useful tip for you before you leave the mine dry: if you leave one ore vein, it will only take 10 days to respawn all the ore veins instead of 30 days. I would recommend grabbing every Ebony Ore vein and leaving one Iron Ore vein.1. Breton:. Magic Resistance: This racial effect provides a 25% resistance to all magic including dragon shouts and flame traps. Dragonskin: This racial power gives you 50% spell absorption. This means that 50% of the time you take no damage from spells. Spell absorption also does not have the 85% cap that magic resistance does.

To get complete magic immunity, Bretons simply need to activate the effect of the Atronach Stone for a 50% spell absorption while using Dragonskin. To get near magic immunity, Bretons need to obtain the Agent of Mara effect (15%) from the quest, three perk points in the Magic Resistance skill from the alteration perk tree (30%), and the Lord Stone's effect for a 25% magic resistance. This will grant the Breton with 85% magic resistance total combined with their Magic Resistance racial effect.

The ability to be near or completely immune to magic in Skyrim is very powerful. None of the other races without the Necromage perk can achieve this feat.Note: The basis of this list is primarily focused on how well each race performs in game in regard to game mechanics. This list is not based on aesthetics or roleplaying!. I agree mostly. I think Orc and Altmer are the best due to the highest heights and thus speed and damage advantage. Also the 50 magicka is great for starting a mage, and Orcs racial is ridiculous powerful for any warrior/spellsword/pretty much any weapon user. Anything really.

I would put those two ahead of Breton but otherwise I agree with everything.Also that's not how spell absorption and magic resist work. They don't combine to 100%. How it spell absorption works is 50% of the time you absorb all damage and receive magicka. The other 50% of the time the spell takes effect, so if you have 50% magic resist it means 50% of the time you absorb all damage, the other 50% of the time you take half damage. So those two together would give you approx 75% total resistance. Definitely not totally immune. I guess I am not sure exactly if this is what you were talking about, or if you were factoring itpn dragonskin at the end.

A bit confused, but just making sure that's cleared up either way.

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