Damage Health Ingredients Skyrim

Mora isn't really all that common, so you might try Slaughterfish Egg/Scales instead. And if you want a substitute for human flesh, you can find that in Swamp Fungal Pod or Canis Root (which is pretty darn common up in Hjaalmarch).If you have Dragonborn, you might try Imp Stool + Scathecraw + Swamp Fungal Pod/Canis Root (or Netch Jelly if you don't mind wasting that).So, Imp Stool + Slaughterfish - a nice LDH poison. Imp Stool + SFP/CR - Paralysis.Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, or Troll Fat for Frenzy makes for an entertaining poison.And of course River Betty, Deathbell, or Nirnroot + Imp Stool/Red Flower/Skeever Tail if you just flat out want your target to die. Best of the 3 Main Poisons (Paralysis, Instant, Lingering):Imp + Tap + Canis - Best paralysis (includes LDH)Bell + Skeever Tail + Lichen - Thalmor poison (best instantaneous: Bell poison + Ravage + W2P just in case)Imp + Tap + Bell - Dragon poison (Bell poison + LDH)The Instantaneous formula I've provided, in addition to being good for 1-hit assassinations on Thalmor behind friendly lines, includes W2P, which will amplify anything you throw after it. If that ascendant master demi-god necromancer looks like he'll live past the first Paralysis dose him with Thalmor poison in front of the next Paralysis. If he gets up from that. Run.For enemies immune to poison:Shroom + Shade + Wheat - Destruction & HealthCanis + Moss + Juni - 1H & ArcheryDragon Tongue + Fly + Tap - 2H + Regen Stamina + Illusion + Resist FireAll listed ingredients can be cultivated except Hanging Moss and Skeever Tail.Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch, 20 April 2013 - 11:03 PM.

  1. Skyrim Alchemy Combinations Cheat Sheet
Skyrim lingering damage health ingredients

Shade's 3-per-plot yield is below average, but the greenhouse extension lets you grow tons of them anyway. The 0.8 FD modifier gets overridden by the standard 1.0 FD of every other ingredient except Ectoplasm's 0.8, so the theoretical handicap is purely theoretical. Shrooms harvest 5 per planting while Ectoplasm is so rare most ghosts don't even drop it.' Tap' is indeed Mora Tapinella.

Taproot is rare and expensive enough it doesn't merit a nickname. But 'Tap' as in Mora Tapinella is so useful in so many ways that it's actually difficult to get enough of it even as common as it is. It's the flaxseed of Skyrim! (If you're an Oblivion fan you'll know what that means.)Lots of ingredients have RM, but few will combine clean with Reds. Tap is one of the few that does, and if you don't garden it's the best option because of its ubiquity.Growing your own yields 3 per plot, which is below average.

Growing Lichen (4/plot) and Creep (5/plot) takes the pressure off Tap to produce a 'clean' Fortify+Restore Magicka from Reds. (If you pick Reds instead of growing them like I do you'll want to mix FM+RM with straight-up RM. Creep+Lichen makes a clean RM.)Creep is clean to every other RM ingredient if I'm not mistaken; grass pods, white shrooms, reds, everything. If you come home with a pocket full of white shrooms use Creep on them.Blues have Damage Magicka Regen, which poisons a whole lot of FH potions including Shade+Shroom FD. Wheat combines clean with just about everything including Shade+Shroom. In addition grown Wheat yields 4 to BMF's 3. Blues are really great at low levels because they're everywhere.

Skyrim Alchemy Combinations Cheat Sheet

Wheat's better though. It's clean with just about everything.Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch, 23 April 2013 - 09:22 AM.

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