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Shawn, I've been using some of your registry settings on for both the default user and the current user and it has been going well until recently. Now I can no longer get the 'This PC' icon to show and I get a rundll error when I try to enable it.However, I have found by changing the key:HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem to 'EnableLUA'=dword:00000000and then back to 1, I no longer get the error. Just the first change fixes it, but the second returns it. Do you have any insight?Thanks. Hello sflesch,:)Do you have any issues setting this in 'Desktop Icon Settings' from Option 1?Actually, that is where I find the issue.

Delete virtual desktop windows 10

I have been doing some more playing and found that if I log in and back out, the error is gone. Ideally I would like to avoid the issue altogether so when a new user logs in, they don't see the error.I originally thought it wasn't enabling the This PC icon and broke it completely, but I just realized at some point I broke the script so it didn't enable the icon.

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I need to do a fresh load for sure to see if my script works, but I think the error still exists. I think changing that reg ksy though was a red herring since logging out and back in seems to fix the issue.Here is the script in case you are curious. It's actually called by another script, but I think I have narrowed it to this one. I should clarify.

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The manual part of option one, not the command line. When I click on Desktop Icons, I get that error.It's nothing critical. Upon further research, once you log out and back in again, this also fixes it, so no need for the registry key I mentioned above. I guess that would be a red herring.It also only seems to happen for the first account created after running the script. I will have to do more research, but as long as I create one account (which is what I usually do as long as I remember) after running it, it doesn't look like any new future users see the issue. It's rather interesting.

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