Most Useful Wow Professions

Hey guys, i just started playing Legion again after quitting in Cataclysm. Back then i spent a ton of time into leveling to non farming professions to max lvl for the profession perks. Is it true that there are absolutely no more profession perks?Is there any reason to level a profession like JC or Alchemy anymore instead of just going mining/herbing and earning some money?Would be glad if somebody could clarify what perks profession nowadays offer, i cant really find anything and apparently professions already changed in Mop or WoD too?Ty. You can avoid lvling up a proffesion and you will be as strong as anybody else.

  1. Best Professions For Wow
  2. Wow Most Useful Profession Bfa

But there are large benefits to having proffesions. It is a good moneymaker atm and proberly into the future. It also gives you extra WQs, which helps getting reputation with factions and it makes blood of Sargeras usefull.But the power is the same. A 850 item lvl assa rogue withour proffesions, will do the same dmg as a matching rogue with 2 max lvled proffesions.Thats unfortunate to hear - i remember spending a lot of time and money into my professions. I'll dump JC then and go for Herbalism/Alchemy to get some extra money.Thanks. I don't think this is totally true, you no longer get a specific raiding bonus for your character from having a particular profession.

Those gems, for example, are not limited to jewelcrafters. Sure, you might have a profession specific mount but that doesn't impact your min/max for raiding.ok benefit was the wrong wording. Either way professions now at least have a specific REWARD lets say for choosing them.

I never said anything about min/maxing. They've clearly moved away from making choosing a profession require a gain/sacrifice mentality for min/ maxing. At any rate at least professions are far more engaging than WoD. Crafting professions still give more gold than gathering professions. Fallout 4 alien blaster.

That's the perk they have. Making gold.Gold is pretty much useless anyway. Just playing gives you like 10K a week now. There's nothing useful to buy. Only required thing is the bracers.but you don't need them if you don't craft. Obliterum is, the same way, completely useless as the ilvl is capped to the same as you can get from PvE. Crafting is just a loss of time money wise.

If you want gold, flip the AH. If you want items, go in instances. Gold is pretty much useless anyway. Just playing gives you like 10K a week now.

There's nothing useful to buy. Only required thing is the bracers.but you don't need them if you don't craft. Obliterum is, the same way, completely useless as the ilvl is capped to the same as you can get from PvE. Crafting is just a loss of time money wise. If you want gold, flip the AH. If you want items, go in instances.Having done all mythic dungeons both resets so far there is something you guys are missing.Its not very hard making 850 items with professions and having them give you the exact best stats for your class.I currently have 4 850 items, two of them are from crafting. And they are beast.I'm 99% sure blizzard will allow us to rughter upgrade them as each new tier of raiding comes, meaning crafting items will be usefull at the start of each new tier.The darkmoon trinkets are beast aswell.Its true that they dont give direct bonus stats for raiding anymore, meaning they arent mandatory in the same way(which is good).

They are however good to have and pretty great to have mastered(tier 3 means means you can make cheap good items.).Dont underestimate crafting.

Background: Back to wow after stopping at WOTLK. Boosted to 110, unlocked void elf, current character is main.

Currently have skinning and herbalism just for ease and somewhat gold making.I originally was going to stick with the two farming profs but I’m reconsidering. I think tailoring and enchanting are still good (had them back when I played years ago) but profs have changed, things don’t always sell, and so forth.I’ve never been an engineer and know nothing about it but I’ve seen that they have mounts, (pets?) and that mole digging transport ability, which would be useful in game, if anyone has more info on that, it’d be great!I’ve also thought about sticking with skin and herbs just because it’s easy to find both.


I’m torn between what profs to have.If it matters, I’m going through the game, expansion at a time, leisurely (currently just completed Outlands) so I’ll have a lot of time to gather materials. I just don’t know what would be most useful- engineering throughout my PVE adventures? Enchanting and tailoring for bags and a little stat boost?


Or farming for extra gold?Any input would be helpful, the game is different now to what I remember and suggestions would be great! Herbalism at least. Leveling reasonsxp. No brainer there.Also for when BFA hit. Alchemy is the only crafting not in a bad state.

Most others have issues mild to wild. So you are there at least for plants.2nd onedunno. My void elf for heritage will be normal levelling.

She is tailoring. For Mog reasons. Mogs up to legion. Tailoring in BFA was not immune to the crap storm there. She picks flowers as 2nd. XP and in time she can feed this char plants. This DH does alchemy.Now I have nightborne who will level after the void.


For heritage again. Her I most likely will double down mining and herbalism. Faster XP spam.she could get “making profession” one day. Probably after 110. The leveling for BFA is not too bad. The ilevel scaling just makes it not fun. Its not a tedious grind however.

I was content with the time it took to take 110 to 120 on 3 chars so far anyway. I have tailoring/enchanting on this warlock and have since cata when i made him. He’s made all my alts full (even banks) 30 slot bags. I make a lot of gold of bags too.

I make more money off enchanting though. It’s a good profession to have.

Best Professions For Wow

It’s a real dog to level this expansion though. I just finished recently and i’ve been max level since really early in the expansion. Only commit to being an enchanter if it’s an important part of your characters identity. If you don’t plan on actually leveling it though you can de from skill level 1 and make tons of gold doing that too.

Wow Most Useful Profession Bfa

I am personally pretty happy with my professions tbh.Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.

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