Star Wars Battlefront Ig 88

You don't have to walk or run everywhere. Vehicles such as the hovercrafts, speederbikes, and AT-STs are available for you to drive. If you want to head off into space, the TIE Fighters and X-Wings await your piloting prowess.

Star Wars Battlefront Ig 88StarStory

Star Wars Battlefront Ig 88 Game

All of the various vehicles respond nicely. They have different weapons systems such as lasers and missiles and employ the lock-on camera system, which is a little difficult to master, but at least the pace isn't too fast. You get time to aim, but after a while the general lack of speed makes you feel as though you're coasting in space instead of blazing through it.There are some graphic tradeoffs which I suppose are necessary to keep the pace flowing. The environments aren't particularly inspiring, but the characters, weapons, vehicles, and explosions certainly surpass PSP standards. As expected, the audio is brilliant. Sound effects from the LucasArts library and a soundtrack from the genius of John Williams absolutely demand headphones to appreciate all of the audio nuances. It just doesn't get much better than this.I have to say that this is definitely a game for everyone, even if you could care less about Star Wars.

From the single-player campaign to the eight-player ad hoc to the 16-player multiplayer modes, there is more than enough to keep any gamer busy for weeks on end.

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