Mount And Blade Blunt Weapons

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  2. Mount And Blade Blunt Weapons
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The is a common example of melee weapons.Melee Weapons are used in close-range combat. They generally deal higher damage than and require no ammunition. In, can also be used as melee weapons.Weapons can have that indicate increased or decreased stats.

While one of the available modifiers is 'Heavy', the Heavy Sabre, Heavy Bastard Sword, and Heavy Lance are actually different weapons from their 'non-Heavy' counterparts; these cannot carry the 'Heavy' modifier, thus there is no Heavy Heavy Sabre. Contents StatsWeapons stats example. Name: The name of the weapon. This may include a single Modifier, indicating improved or reduced stats.

Type of handling: Weapons can be wielded one-handed, two-handed, or as a polearm. A cannot be used with all two-handed weapons and some polearms. Some weapons can be switched between the different forms of handling by pressing 'X' or by equipping or unequipping a shield. Sell price: Without any modifiers, this price is exactly one-tenth of the base value of the item, and one-twentieth of the purchase value from a store. When looted from battle, items will display their base value.

Mount and blade blunt weapon troops

Modifiers will change this value. Weight: Affects your overall encumbrance (the speed at which you move on foot and travel). It also increases the chances of the 'stun' effect when you strike an opponent's block. The collision of a high weight weapon with a low weight weapon sometimes results in a 'stun' effect where the person carrying the low weight weapon cannot respond with another strike. During this period the person with the low weight weapon can only block a second swing from the heavy attacker. With the roles reversed, a heavier weapon will not be stunned by a low weight weapon. The weight of the weapon also affects the of weapons.

Damage: Damage dealt swinging the weapon. Some weapons (like scimitars) are swing-only. 'c' (cutting): Cutting weapons often do Bonus Damage against lightly armored targets but significantly lower damage to heavily armored assailants compared to piercing and blunt damage.

These weapons benefit the most from the due to their inherently higher damage, which can eventually overcome their penalties against heavy armor. 'p' (pierce): Damage dealt by thrusting the weapon or firing bows and crossbows. Some weapons (like some spears) are thrust-only. Piercing weapons have higher armor penetration than cutting weapons without losing as much effectiveness as blunt weapons against lightly armored targets.

'b' (blunt): Damage dealt by some weapons with the swing or the thrust. Hammers are an example of a typical blunt weapon. Blunt weapons have highest armor penetration and do lower damage against lightly armored targets. These weapons will always knockout the target; there is no way to kill a target with blunt damage.

This makes these weapons the only reliable way to capture, since a charging horse doesn't deal enough damage to reliably knockout enemies. Additionally, blunt weapons have a chance of knocking a target over depending on the weapon's weight and speed.

Mount And Blade Wiki

Speed rating: Affects attack and block speed as well as weapon speed bonus (how quickly the weapon is moving upon impact and how much bonus damage is added as a result). It also affects the weapon's ability to crush through blocks.

Mount And Blade Blunt Weapons

Speed rating additionally affects how quickly you can recover from a glancing blow (often referred to as a 'poke') and resume usage of your weapon to block or strike. Weapon reach: This determines how far you can strike. Ideally, its value should be higher if you wish to fight on horseback, though many of the shorter weapons are also the perfect length for striking enemies in the head after grazing them with your horse to disrupt their blocking. Shorter weapons are preferable in tight quarters, such as the stairs in many multiplayer siege battles, the middle of a massed infantry melee, and the final stage of single player siege battles inside of the keep. The full damage of the weapon is also easier to achieve with shorter weapons as maximum damage is inflicted only when the tip of a weapon (the fastest moving point) contacts your target. Requirements: Many melee weapons require a certain minimum level of Strength to use.TypesThere are three types of melee weapons governed by the character's.

There are also some multi-role weapons that can be switched between different types.One-handedare usually fast, light, and can be used with a, but they have a shorter reach and don't deal as much damage as Two-handed weapons or Polearms.

I can't think of any. Even the troops who should be carrying something like that, like the Red Brotherhood and Singalian Slaver parties, are wielding piercing and slashing weapons respectively.Get a big ol' iron mace and do it yourself. Trade up to a Doom Mace when the opportunity presents itself.Now that I think of it, though, there are a few high-tier troops that do, but they're all attached to Knight Orders or NPC spawns.Radiant Cross troops can now spawn with blunt weapons. (new for 3.7).Eventide Knights carry blunts, but they start out hating you. Also, they're all dicks.Doomguides, Wardens, Sheriffs, and Mystmountain Shamans all can spawn with blunts, but it's rough to find any of these guys, much less raise them in quantity. Worse, the Doomguides are the only ones who won't perish by the score in a real fight.A custom knight order (CKO) can be assigned blunts, but you pretty much need to be rolling in cash to found/train/equip one in the first place.

Mount And Blade Best Blunt Weapons

If you want prisoners in Pendor it's more or less auto-calc or bust. There's a fantastic blunt lance you can find in the shops sometimes - if you grab it you can usually get a few quality prisoners out of a fight. Plus you can outfit a CKO with it in the late-game, which can net you a crap-ton of prisoners.There's also a 1h/2h spiked club you'll find occasionally - the swing attack does blunt damage. It's not fantastic, but again if you equip it or give it to companions you can get lucky every now and then.Late game there are doom maces, but very few troops have them and they're pretty hard to find. Great for CKOs though.

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