Windows 10 Ntoskrnl.exe Bsod

When doing Bugcheck Analysis it is important to obtain and read all output; not only that, you also need multiple dumps to cross check this output along other bug checks to avoid false positives.Your dump reveals quite a bit, but not enough for a conclusion:.Unknown memory management error (1a, parameter 1: 41201) occured.Arg1: 041201, The subtype of the bugcheck.Classified to be a driver fault that occurred during execution of audiodg.exe. Rockworks 16 download. DEFAULTBUCKETID: WIN8DRIVERFAULTPROCESSNAME: audiodg.exe.Produced while querying virtual memory at the end of copying system service memory. STACKTEXT:nt!KeBugCheckExnt!??::FNODOBFM::'string'+0x122c8nt!MiQueryAddressState+0x307nt!MiQueryAddressSpan+0x139nt!MmQueryVirtualMemory+0x648nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory+0x25nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x130x00007ff9'bbdf37aa0x00007ff9'bbdf37aa is of particular interest here, because that is what is where the chain of calls originates from.

  1. Ntoskrnl.exe Bsod Windows 10 Boot

However, there is no information about that because your system is not configured to take:Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are availableIt's also not yet guaranteed that every dump you get results in the same, that needs to be verified.Until you have more information, you have way too much possible solutions to try. More dumps that contain more complete information will spare you the hassle to go through all that.But if you have some time, here is an incomplete list with no guarantees:. Remove and reinstall your audio drivers. Update all your drivers. Run RAM tests. Replace the RAM out of precaution.

Windows 10 Ntoskrnl.exe Bsod

Remove your antivirus and consider another one. Make sure you are clean of viruses, malware. Run sfc /scannow and Microsoft's SUR or DISM utility to check system health. Reinstall your operating system. Keep replacing hardware till the broken piece is gone.


Ntoskrnl.exe Bsod Windows 10 Boot

I'm almost positive that it could be a driver conflict with your wireless card. Mostly from experience with this laptop and wireless NIC's I've seen in the field.Try re-installing and updating the driver(s) from the device manager, I would not advise updating the bios through Windows because of the off chance of a BSOD occuring while the update is running. Driver Identifier is a great service for finding/updating drivers.If you must, either check if you can install the BIOS update through a. I provided a link to the driver details page on Dell's website for that laptop for further details. Just navigate to the 'Install Instructions' drop-down and check that out.Also, is a link to a good guide on creating a FreeDOS live USB and installing the BIOS update.Good luck! You get theThe MEMORYMANAGEMENT bug check has a value of 0x0000001A. Thisindicates that a severe memory management error occurred.From the callstack I can see that virtual memory operation where done: 00 nt!KeBugCheckEx01 nt!??::FNODOBFM::`string'02 nt!MiQueryAddressState03 nt!MiQueryAddressSpan04 nt!MmQueryVirtualMemory05 nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory06 nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd07 0x0So, this looks like some RAM issues.

If memtest86+ shows no errors, check the RAM timings. Run, look into the tabs Memory and SPD and verify that the values match and that Command Rate is set to 2. If Command Rate (CR) is set to 1, go to the BIOS and change it to 2.

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